
Current Projects

Lost Child

The Lost Child project was begun in 1997. Its aim is to use theatre and creative participation to give a voice to marginalised and vulnerable children and young people. The creative methodology focuses on supporting and expressing young people's imagination through group activity in a consensual and secure environment. The project is child focused, and…

Requiem For Change

Inspired by Naomi Klein’s earth-shattering book This Changes Everything, the David Glass Ensemble, LASALLE College of the Arts (Faculty of Performing Arts) and East 15 Acting School presents a global collaboration. Requiem For Change is an epic devised work about the titanic struggle between late-Capitalism and Climate Change; potentially the last great story of humanity.

AB Project

On July 22nd 2011 Anders Breivik, a known far right extremist, shot dead 69 young people of a Workers Youth League summer camp on the Island of Utoya. It was to become the biggest European homeland terrorist attack in recent times. Although these 69 young voices have passed, their memories and stories will live on…
David Glass Ensemble
Theatre Building,
Bath Spa University,
Newton St Loe Newton Park
Bath, BA2 9BN
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Copyright @ David Glass Ensemble 2023
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